A PERIOD OF MEN'S PERIOD helps women live better
According to NBC News, one of the 12 signs that predicts a woman to live a long and healthy life until age 100 is menopause after age 52. Early menopause at the age of 40 - 45 will increase the risk of cardiovascular, osteoporosis, easy fractures ... leading to reduced life expectancy.
Premature menopause occurs when the ovaries suddenly respond poorly to the command and regulation from the brain and pituitary gland, leading to a decrease in
jav videos the production of three hormones: estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.
Healthier when menopause is late
The later menopause, women will be healthier, live longer. That's the good news from Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation (SWAN) conducted by epidemiologists from Davis Medical University (California, USA). Women who enter late menopause reduce their risk of heart disease and stroke. At the same time solid skeleton, less osteoporosis or fractures compared to people with early menopause.
A 17-year study of 12,134 Dutch women after menopause published in the Epidemiology journal showed that for every 1-year delay in menopause, the age-adjusted mortality rate decreases to 2% / year. The death rate of myocardial ischemia decreases by 2%, and helps to increase the life-related indicators.
On average, Vietnamese women often menopause at the age of 49-51. Natural menopause is a complete menstrual cycle stopping after 12 consecutive months, because the operation of the ovary does not coordinate well with the command from the brain as well as the pituitary gland to make the levels of the hormone trio be changed. change. The body cannot keep up with hormonal disorders, so it is often encountered menstrual disorders, vasomotor disorders (hot flashes, night sweats, heart palpitations), insomnia, mood swings ...
Early menopause occurs naturally when the ovaries stop working, sometimes called early ovarian failure. 1 - 2% of women experience premature menopause. In addition to the causes of secondary amenorrhea, such as surgery to remove the ovaries, or after chemotherapy or radiation to treat cancer, the ovaries stop working prematurely due to tobacco, the environment, an imbalanced diet. nutrition. Early menopause causes a woman to feel the loss of function of many organs such as skin, muscles, and bones, leading to older age.
The woman is born with a certain number of ovules in the ovaries, and this number decreases with age, entering the perimenopause period to only about 1,000 ovaries. The production of hormones in the ovaries is commanded and regulated by the brain and pituitary gland. Due to the above reasons, though not reaching the age, the ovaries are less responsive and reduce the production of sex hormones. Over time, the levels of these hormones begin to fluctuate, more and less, causing a woman's period to stop.
For the health, beauty and physiology of women, the female hormones that are controlled and produced by the brain-pituitary-ovarian-ovarian systems play an extremely important role in providing "vital energy". for body. Therefore, health experts encourage women to actively seek scientific support as soon as the body has problems. In addition to a healthy, stress-reducing diet, women have a wide selection of natural herbs that can help restore the balance of the brain-pituitary-ovarian axis at the cellular level. , regulate fluctuations in hormone levels, maintain regular menstruation.
Recently, scientists discovered the precious Lepidium Meyenii herb of the mountains higher than 4000m Andes (South America) is an effective option to help women prolong menopause, even menstruating again after having Temporary menopause due to axial malfunctions. Clinical studies have shown that the precious sterols found in Lepidium Meyenii help the pituitary to stimulate the ovaries to work, produce progesterone and estrogen more consistently. All of these changes help women proactively reduce their risk of disease, especially protecting cardiovascular and joint health, while maintaining beauty and physiological life over time.